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Re-elect Alexis Garcia-Arrazola For Seaside City Council

Building a Strong Seaside For All

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Alexis' mission & vision

Building a Strong Seaside For All


Re-elect Alexis Garcia-Arrazola for Seaside City Council

Over the past four years, I have been honored to serve and dedicate myself to strengthening and securing Seaside for everyone. During my first term, I helped guide our response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, ensuring a successful vaccination plan, and helped ensure that small businesses had the support needed to reopen. I focused on climate action, park redevelopment, infrastructure upgrades, and beautifying Downtown Broadway. I initiated international relationships and established the first-ever CSUMB internship program, creating pathways for our students to stay and work locally. My efforts extended to new housing developments, tourism, job creation, youth programs, literacy improvement, crime reduction, and economic growth. I hope I can count on your vote this November 5th and hope, that together, we continue to make a stronger Seaside for all.

mission & vision

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Our Priorities

Together we the people achieve more than any single
person could ever do alone.


Alexis Mission is dedicated to reducing crime through strategic partnerships and effective policing, while also championing youth programs to ensure every resident deserves to feel secure in their home and neighborhood.


By advocating for policies that support fair housing practices and the development of affordable housing options, Alexis aims to keep our neighborhoods inclusive and vibrant. Ensuring that everyone has a place to call home is essential for maintaining the strong, connected community that makes Seaside special.

Climate Change

Dedicated to combating climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, Alexis introduced a groundbreaking Climate Action Plan that actively involves community groups and residents in sustainable practices and initiatives. By fostering collaboration and leveraging local expertise, Alexis acknowledges that more work needs to be done to creating impactful, long term environmental solutions.


Alexis is dedicated to enhancing Seaside’s infrastructure to improve the quality of life for all residents. He has championed historic investments in pavement rehabilitation, and the revitalization of community parks and centers, ensuring these essential amenities are both safe and inviting. Alexis has managed to achieve these upgrades while maintaining fiscal responsibility. He recognizes that ongoing investment is crucial and remains committed to building a resilient infrastructure that supports a thriving community.

Economic Growth

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Alexis introduced the FLIP program to help businesses upgrade their storefronts. He also played a key role in implementing parking enforcement, introducing lighting on Broadway, and organizing community events that boost tourism. Recognizing the need to support upcoming entrepreneurs, Alexis is supportive of creating an environment that nurtures new ventures and drives economic success. These initiatives are part of his broader vision to make Seaside a leading city with a strong economy and to create a blueprint for the future.


During his term, Alexis strengthened Seaside’s ties with Cal State Monterey Bay. As a former alum, he recognized the crucial role of education in local economic growth and understood the importance of providing more internship opportunities to keep local talent in Seaside. To address this, Alexis created a paid internship partnership between Seaside and the university that paves a pathway to success for students. The initiative represents a step towards ensuring that students have opportunities to build their careers without having to leave Seaside.

mission & vision

Alexis for Seaside

Our campaign is powered by contributions
from supporters like you

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Raised by campaign contributions

testimonial image

"As a fellow councilmember, I wholeheartedly endorse Alexis Garcia-Arrazola for council"

Rita Burks -Councilwoman
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"I am proud to support councilmember Alexis Arrazola for Seaside city Council"

Orlando Osornio -Salinas Councilmember
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"I am excited to endorse Alexis Arrazola for Seaside city Council"

Tony Barrera -Salinas Councilmember
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"I am pleased to endorse Alexis Garcia-Arrazola for re-election to the Seaside City Council"

Dawn Addis -California State Assemblymember
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"I would be delighted to endorse Alexis Garcia-Arrazola for council"

Jenny McAdams -Marina Councilmember